Monday, April 28, 2008

Losing it

Am really losing it...

First my memory fails me and it becomes difficult to pinpoint places/people/ incidents/ birthdays...

Then, without warning, my Seagate 100 GB drive fails to be recognised by my Mac after it's worked perfectly for months. I'm told that all the work I've backed-up over the last three years is there; so are the music files and the photographs.

Everyone's reassuring me that the data can be recovered.

Okay, now you know it and let's say, I also know it. Question is: does the drive know it!

I need the work-files back. And the photos. Everything else is sacrificeable.

This is all I have of my memories and, until the day they can backup our brains in a real-time environment, Seagate will have to be my crutch.

Fingers crossed, I await the data recovery guy's report. Makes me feel like I'm in surgery and waiting the doctor's prognosis...


Anonymous said...

I know the feeling i just lost mine too. Everything from work, photos. everything 8 years worth
:( I am told Data recovery costs a bomb unless the big dady is paying for it he he

Chirag said...

hard drives are so last century, u should move to the 21st...

use SkyDrive, A most excellent service from MS...

it's only 5 gigs, but what's sopping you from opening a score of them?